Buff Her House of Exfoliation Facial Scrub Review: Food Powders with Serious Exfoliating Powers

Rice & BeansWhen it comes to exfoliation, I tend err on the side of “less is more”. Not that we don’t all need to encourage cell turnover, but I just can’t quite get behind the whole “scrub” your face thing. Maybe it’s the word scrub that just sounds too aggressive, or the fact that a lot of physical facial exfoliators are too coarse for my liking. Nevertheless, the truth of the matter is that we all need to slough off those dead skin cells from time to time. My skin happens to be particularly lazy, and requires some kind of exfoliation at LEAST bi-weekly. I had been on the hunt for a mild exfoliator that was effective yet gentle, when I stumbled upon Beauty Snob Sharon’s post on Buff Her: The House of Exfoliation. Continue reading